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Crystal Creatures is a game played to 100 points.
Knocking out a creature in battle earns you 5 points.
You can also earn points by buying Medallions or Artifacts.
To unlock a Creature's special move, you must play a crystal card with them.
When a creature is knocked out, it is sent to the graveyard. If the creature has a crystal card or effect card attached to it, those cards go to the graveyard as well.
If the Creature's special move is attacked based, the crystal card goes to the graveyard after being used once.
If the Creature's special move is not attack based, the crystal card remains on the battlefield until the Creature is sent to the graveyard or if an effect card removes it.
To start your turn, you draw two cards. Each player must have 7 cards or less in their hand by the end of their turn. If a player calls you out for having more than 7 cards after your turn, then you must discard half of the cards in your hand into the graveyard.
Effect cards, crystal cards, and medallian & artifact purchases all must be done before you attempt an attack. Attacks end your turn.
You are allowed to play up to 3 effect cards per turn.
You can only activate one crystal card per turn. (This excludes purchasing medallions and artifacts)
Call out which attack you'd like your creature to use and which opponent you'd like to attack. Then roll the dice.
For your lesser attack to land, you must roll a 5 or higher.
For your higher attack to land, you must roll an 8 or higher.
If you roll double 6's, then you double the amount of damage your creature deals.
Counter cards are a type of effect card that are allowed to be played whenever.
Trades are allowed.
If you want to switch out a creature midbattle, you are allowed only if you discard a crystal card to the graveyard.
The creature you take out from battle must be shuffled into your deck.
If you do not have a creature in your hand to put on the battlefield, you can discard a crystal card and be able to draw two more cards. You can continue this process until you have a creature to play.
The player who has killed the most creatures holds the Most Kills Card which is worth an additional five points.
If you get 3 of the same medallion, you will receive Medallion Trio Card which is worth an additional five points.
The player who has the most medallions will hold the Most Medallions Card which is worth an additional five points.
You can protect one of your medallions with three crystal cards.
Three crystal cards allow you to retrieve the first creature from your deck. You must show your opponent’s as you draw and then shuffle your deck once retrieving the creature.
When a creature is sent to the graveyard, you must immediately put a creature out on the field in its place even if it’s not your turn.
Deck building: Each Deck must consist of 65 cards. 30 Creatures, 20 Effect Cards, and 15 Crystal Cards.
Regulation Deck Breakdown:
Maximum three 100 LP Creatures
Maximum four 90 LP Creatures
Maximum seven 80 LP Creatures
Maximum ten 70 LP Creatures
Maximum ten 60 LP Creatures
Maximum ten 50 LP Creatures.
Comments (35)
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Update werewolf card: change higher attack to 50.
Make new effect card: multiply dice rather than add
Dark cave- you gain 5 points after sending creature to graveyard
Squeaker change to effect card to pull out
Duke special move. Update to say can only be played once per turn
The highlands- if it causes the opponent to be sent to the graveyard, you get the points for the kill
Revise: Cea can perform special move at any time with a crystal
Make an effect card that cancels an effect
Add knockout phrase to Cubberstein mountains
Exorcism Card - sacrifice one mystical creature to cause one player to lose cry of the banshees
Reword the conch